The Basics About High Tech Video Surveillance

High Tech IP Cameras

There’s Something Special About These IP Cameras…

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words and it may be especially true when it comes to high tech surveillance. Anytime there is a dispute over an incident, whether it is civil or criminal, witnesses will often disagree or having conflicting accounts about what happened. Many times a surveillance system using IP cameras will prevent there being any ambiguity whatsoever about the events that took place. More business owners, homeowners and government agencies are using the cameras to keep people and property safe.

Almost all the systems using IP cameras contain the same basic components. There is the camera lens itself along with a computer processor and a network server. The lens section of the camera will determine how clear and sharp the images will be. Just like the camera you may take along on vacation, each one in an IP system is rated by the amount of information it will capture in the form of megapixels. The higher the number the more detail the shaper the image will be. If you own a store that sells high quality merchandise such as jewelry, you may want a higher resolution camera that can capture very detailed pictures when someone slips a ring into a pocket to steal it. Having that kind of high resolution will make it easier for prosecutors to get a conviction. You can purchase cameras that are stationary so that they always provide pictures form the same area. There are other cameras that can pan across a wider area.

The computer processor is the brains of IP cameras. It is what will take the information captured by the camera lens and convert it into a video or still picture that you can view over the internet. The network server is the part of the device that connects online and transmits the digital information to the world wide web. The cameras have proven their value in many different kinds of situations. They provide a reliable and secure solution to almost any surveillance situation.

High-End Network Camera Accessories

Network Camera accessories

Is Your Network Camera Protected by These Camera Housings?

Many people do not realize that the difficult and labor intensive job of finding the perfect spot for their network camera and then installing it could be as easy as spending ten minutes online. When consumers discover that they can access the instructions for their security systems, they will then have the luxury of being able to easily and quickly install their camera wherever they want on specialized and durable mounts.

The best security camera companies sell accessories to go with their network cameras that make the use, installation, or placement of their cameras just that much easier. For example, one very common accessory for purchase is the specialized mount made for their specific model of camera. These mounts come in different shapes, sizes, and types for wherever the camera is going to be placed. Mounts come in different colors to help blend in when they are supposed to be hidden or to stand out if the consumer wants them to be easily visible. Some mounts come with covers and some are made to be flush with the ceiling or wall, minimizing the chance of damage or tampering with any part of the camera. There are even hanging “pendant” mounts for difficult to attach areas like recesses or holes.

There are many other kinds of accessories for these cameras, ranging from heater kits to adaptors. The heater kits are small and affordable, making them a great addition to anyone’s network camera system. These are perfect for locations with extremely low temperatures, such as cold winters or inside business’ freezer rooms. Heater units are often handy, and sometimes essential, making them well worth the very reasonable prices they are sold at.

Network camera adaptors are also very useful and might often be necessary. These come in many different shapes and sizes to ensure that any camera that has been purchased will be able to go where the customers want it to be and ensuring that it will be able to work with whatever accessories the customers may have purchased. Some adaptors are sold to help cameras work with different hardware, and some are used to streamline software merging. All of these accessories are important and should be seriously considered.